Newspaper – How Quaint!


Graph courtesy of Pew Research Center


That graph says it all. The Pew Research Center released their State of the News Media 2011 today and in a news that surprises no one, most people get their news from online sources. Cable TV, Broadcast TV and newspapers have all taken a hit. The interesting insight is that radio has stayed sort of steady with NPR gaining 3% audience! Something to keep in mind with all this talk of cutting PBS funding.

The report offers interesting analysis of how online news is going to generate income. The different folks who are going to get pieces of the pie because the outlets such as Google and Apple are going to have a say in how to market the news also. Hyperlocal news is seen as the untapped area in that there is room here for establishing a paid online news source. Display advertising can work in this sector and that is interesting information for news channels and e-marketers. Many people are accessing local news via their cell phones and so there are implications here for mobile marketing as well.

Lots to think about and it will be interesting to see how the different players handle these developments. Now, I am off to read my New York Times!

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